Monday, June 4, 2012


  • Quadrilateral

A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides (edges) and four vertices (corners). The word quadrilateral is made of the words quad (meaning four) and lateral (meaning sides). So, quadrilateral is simply a four sided figure.
The sum of interior angles for all quadrilaterals must be equal to 360 degrees.

Types of Quadrilaterals

  1. Square
  2. Rectangle
  3. Parallelogram
  4. Rhombus
  5. Trapezoid

  • Quadrilateral: Square & Rectangle

Square: A square has four equal sides and four equal angles (90-degree angles or right angles).

Perimeter of Square

Perimeter of the square is 4 times the length of the side. For a square of length L, perimeter = 4 * L

Area of Square

Area of square is the square of length of the side. Area = L * L

Properties of Square

  • The diagonals of a square bisect each other and meet at right angles (90 degrees)
  • The diagonals of a square bisect its angles
  • The diagonals of a square are perpendicular
  • Opposite sides of a square are both parallel and equal in length
  • All four angles of a square are equal. (every angle of a square is a right angle)
  • The diagonals of a square are equal.
Rectangle: A rectangle is a quadrilateral with 4 right angles. It is similar to square except that its sides are not equal.

Perimeter of Rectangle

Perimeter of the rectangle is sum of the length of its sides. Perimeter = 2 * (Length + Breadth)

Area of Rectangle

Area of rectangle is multiplication of its length and breadth. Area = Length * Breadth

Properties of Rectangle

  • All angles are right angles (90 degrees)
  • Opposite sides are parallel and equal.
  • Diagonals bisect each other.
  • Quadrilateral: Parallelogram
parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides.

Properties of parallelogram

  • Each diagonal divides the quadrilateral into two congruent triangles with the same orientation.
  • The opposite sides are parallel and equal in length.
  • The diagonals bisect each other.
  • The opposite angles are equal in measure.
  • The sum of the squares of the sides equals the sum of the squares of the diagonals. (Parallelogram Law)
  • Adjacent angles are supplementary (180 degrees).
  • Square, Rectangle and Rhobus are special types of parallelograms.

Perimeter & Area of parallelogram

The perimeter of parallelogram is sum of the length of its sides. Perimeter = 2(L + B)
Area of parallelogram is multiplication of its longer side and distance between them. Area = L * H

Parallelogram Law

It states that the sum of the squares of the lengths of the four sides of a parallelogram equals the sum of the squares of the lengths of the two diagonals. If ABCD is parallelogram, then
In case of rectangle and square, this law reduces to pythagoras theorem.

  • Mensuration

Mensuration is the branch of mathematics which deals with the study of geometric shapes, their area, volume and different parameters in geometric objects.

Important Mensuration Formulae

1. Area of rectangle (A) = length(l) * Breath(b) A = l \times b
2. Perimeter of a rectangle (P) = 2 * (Length(l) + Breath(b)) P = 2 \times(l + b)
3. Area of a square (A) = Length (l) * Length (l) A = l \times l
4. Perimeter of a square (P) = 4 * Length (l) P = 4 \times l
5. Area of a parallelogram(A) = Length(l) * Height(h) A = l \times h
6. Perimeter of a parallelogram (P) = 2 * (length(l) + Breadth(b)) P = 2 \times (l + b)
7. Area of a triangle (A) = (Base(b) * Height(b)) / 2 A = \frac{1}{2} \times b \times h
Perimeter = (a + b + c)
Area of triangle = A = \sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)} [Hero’s formula]
8. Area of triangle (A) = \frac{1}{2} a \times b \times \angle C = \frac{1}{2} b \times c \times \angle A = \frac{1}{2} a \times c \times \angle B
9. Area of isosceles triangle = \frac{b}{4}\sqrt{4a^2 - b^2}
10. Area of trapezium (A) = \frac{1}{2} (a+b) \times h
11. Perimeter of a trapezium (P) = sum of all sides
12. Area of rhombus (A) =  Product of diagonals / 2
13. Perimeter of a rhombus (P) = 4 * length
14. Area of quadrilateral (A) = 1/2 * Diagonal * (Sum of offsets)
15.  Area of a Kite (A) = 1/2 * product of it’s diagonals
16. Perimeter of a Kite (A) = 2 * Sum on non-adjacent sides
17.  Area of a Circle (A) = \pi r^2 = \frac{\pi d^2}{4}
18. Circumference of a Circle = 2 \pi r = \pi d
19. Total surface area of cuboid = 2 (lb + bh + lh)
20. Total surface area of cuboid = 6 l^2
21. length of diagonal of cuboid = \sqrt{l^2+b^2+h^2}
22. length of diagonal of cube = \sqrt{3 l}
23. Volume of cuboid = l * b * h
24. Volume of cube = l * l * l
25. Area of base of a cone = \pi r^2
26.  Curved surface area of a cone = C = {tex inline}\pi r l{tex}
27. Total surface area of a cone = \pi r (r+l)
28. Volume of right circular cone = \frac{1}{3} \pi r^2 h
29. Surface area of triangular prism = (P * height) + (2 * area of triangle)
30. Surface area of polygonal prism = (Perimeter of base * height ) + (Polygonal base area * 2)
31. Lateral surface area of prism = Perimeter of base * height
32. Volume of  Triangular prism = Area of the triangular base * height
33. Curved surface area of  a cylinder = 2 \pi r h
34. Total surface area of a cylinder = 2 \pi r(r + h)
35. Volume of a cylinder = \pi r^2 h
36. Surface area of sphere = 4 \pi r^2 = \pi d^2
37. Volume of a sphere = \frac{4}{3} \pi r^3 = \frac{1}{6} \pi d^3
38. Volume of hollow cylinder = \pi r h(R^2-r^2)
39. Surface area of a right square pyramid = a \sqrt{4b^2 - a^2}
40. Volume of a right square pyramid = \frac{1}{2} \times base \, \, area \times height
41. Area of a regular hexagon = \frac{3\sqrt{3}a^2}{2}
42. area of equilateral triangle = \frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} a^2
43. Curved surface area of a Frustums = \pi h (r_1 + r_2)
44. Total surface area of a Frustums = \pi (r_1^2 + h(r_1+r_2) + r_2^2)
45. Curved surface area of a Hemisphere = 2 \pi r^2
46. Total surface area of a Hemisphere = 3 \pi r^2
47. Volume of a Hemisphere = \frac{2}{3} \pi r^3 = \frac{1}{12} \pi d^3
48. Area of sector of a circle = \frac{\theta r^2 \pi}{360}

  • Vedic Maths - Introduction

Vedic Mathematics is a system of mathematics consisting of a list of 16 basic sutras, or aphorisms. They were presented by a Hindu scholar and mathematician, Bharati Krishna Tirthaji Maharaja, during the early part of the 20th century.
The calculation strategies provided by Vedic mathematics are said to be creative and useful, and can be applied in a number of ways to calculation methods in arithmetic and algebra.
16 Sutras translated in English (from Sanskrit) are:
  1. By one more than the one before
  2. All from 9 and the last from 10
  3. Vertically and Cross-wise
  4. Transpose and Apply
  5. If the Samuccaya is the Same it is Zero
  6. If One is in Ratio the Other is Zero
  7. By Addition and by Subtraction
  8. By the Completion or Non-Completion
  9. Differential Calculus
  10. By the Deficiency
  11. Specific and General
  12. The Remainders by the Last Digit
  13. The Ultimate and Twice the Penultimate
  14. By One Less than the One Before
  15. The Product of the Sums
  16. All the Multipliers
It is amazing that with the help of Vedic Mathematics, you will be able to solve or calculate complex mathematical problems mentally.

By one more than the previous one

1. Square of numbers ending in 5
65 x 65 = (6 x (6+1) ) 25 = (6x7) 25 = 4225
45 x 45 = (4 x (4+1) ) 25 = (4x5) 25 = 2025
105 x 105 = (10 x (10+1) 25 = (10 x 11) 25 = 11025
2. When sum of the last digits is the base(10) and previous parts are the same
44 x 46 = (4 x (4+1)) (4 x 6) = (4 x 5) (4 x 6) = 2024
37 x 33 = (3 x (3+1)) (7 x 3) = (3 x 4) (7 x 3) = 1221
11 x 19 = (1 x (1+1)) (1 x 9) = (1 x 2) (1 x 9) = 209
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