Monday, June 4, 2012


Introduction to DI


Data is a plural of datum, which is originally a Latin noun meaning something given. Today, data is used in English both as a plural noun meaning facts or pieces of information and as a singular mass noun meaninginformation. Information refers to data being arranged and presented in a systematic or an organize form, so that some useful inferences can be drawn from the same. By data we generally mean quantities, figures, statistics, relating to any event.

Data Interpretation

Data Interpretation refers to interpretation or extraction of maximum information from a given set of data or information. The data presented can be in various forms:
  • Tablular Data
  • Line Graph
  • Bar Chart
  • Pie Chart
Familiarity with the concepts of quant (number systems, calculations, fractions, percentages, profit and loss) helps in reducing the time required for solving the questions that follow.

Tabular Data (Tables)

table is a means of arranging data in rows and columns. Any data in a cell represents value corresponding to row and column.
A table is the simplest form of data presentation without any graphical or visual display.


Following is a very simple table (just to give an idea) giving information about number of students in a class and number of students passed.
Questions which can be asked: Percentage of students passed or failed? Which subject has highest pass ratio?

Line Graph

line graph is generally used in displaying data or information that changes continuously over time.

Bar Chart or Graph


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